Riabilitazione uditiva nell’anziano 0 Comments

Riabilitazione uditiva nell’anziano

Di seguito alcuni estratti dall’articolo di Martin, Robert L. PhD e Carl W. PhD, reperibile cliccando sul link: bit.ly/nbnov12 

“Auditory rehabilitation strives to help patients achieve the high-level listening and spoken language skills they once had through various guidelines.

* Make the activity fun and exciting.

* Repeat the activity many hours a day.

* Challenge the brain. Do not repeat simplistic tasks.

* Enhance learning by stimulating many different areas of the brain.

* Include the concept of play and body movements, such as dancing.

* Incorporate interactions with groups of people and family members.

* Involve professional support to ward off crisis and temporary setbacks”.

“Our auditory rehabilitation program in contrast uses wideband amplification and minimal compression and strives for maximum hearing. Most listening programs have limited amplification in the 100- to 400-Hz zone. Our program uses considerable amplification in these frequencies to pick up all the rhythm and intonation cues contained in this zone. Most hearing aid fittings stress amplification in the high-frequency zone. Most of conversational speech’s emotional meaning is stripped off if you present speech through high-frequency, band-pass filter. People need to hear a wider range of speech frequencies as they age so they can discern the speaker’s intended emotional meaning.

The amplified speech signal needs to be crystal clear and free of all types of distortion. Compression is seen as a type of distortion for the auditory rehabilitation listening program. The perceived clarity of speech decreases, in our experience, as the amount of compression is increased. Test this concept by listening to amplified sound with the compression turned off and then with the compression turned to maximum. Amplification quickly becomes loud without compression, but it also gets fuzzy with large amounts of compression. We suggest you use the gain and output controls to reduce intensity (loudness) rather than using substantial compression to reduce output. It is important to avoid excessive amplification to evade the upward spread of masking that noticeably degrades the speech’s quality”.

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